Welcome to our shareware section of Apple Macintosh only software.
These softwares are here to be downloaded, tried out, and if you think they are useful, please pay your registration fee.

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Software version/updated Description





Znippetizer/Znippetizer-X is a "Developers helping hand". It helps you keep track of, and sort all your code snippets that you otherwise have spred all over your drives, and never can find when you need it.

Webmasters just loves it, as they can have all their special HTML a drag away, all they time.

Its also great for organizing standard e-mail answers in, for tech support and other functions.

There are others that can benefit from the Znippetizers way of making your life easier. Writers/authors, who need to quickly write something down, and just "rip it out" and store it for later use.


Rated 5 Cows at tucows


ImageOrganizer is a utility to create "thumbnail" databases from an Image CD. ImageOrganizer is shareware.

ImageFinder is the client, that uses a database created with ImageOrganizer, to display thumbnails, doing slideshows etc. ImageFinder is free to distribute with your Image CDs.

Now drag enabled to easy get the pictures to your imaging application.

New features in this relaase are that ImageFinder now can search the database, and you can autoexport images found directly to a folder.

Mathildas mattespel

Spelet finns för MacOS 8.1 eller senare, Mac OSX och för Windows.


This is in Swedish only.

Mathildas mattespel är en enkelt och fartfyllt gratisspel för barn att träna huvudräkning med de fyra räknesätten på, och försöka bli snabbare och snabbare. Spelet håller reda på varje barns peronbästa, men det finns ingen "high score lista", vilket gör att barnen inte tävlar mot varandra, utan bara mot sig själva. Programmet är "helpware", d.v.s gillar du programmet, skänk en slant till någon hjälporganisation som hjälper barn.
Nu ännu bättre, fler räknesätt och fuskfritt.


ImageOrganizer/ImageFinder, Znippetizer/Znippetizer-X
and "Mathildas mattespel
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