Latest version: 1.6.1


What do other users say about Znippetizer?
  • 1.5 What a wonderful application! Just what I needed to keep track of all the little bits of text that I am always saving from the web. This is such a clever and well designed application! Oh Man! Znippitizer is a KILLER app! thank you!
  • 1.5 Just purchased this fine utility and love it.
  • 1.5 A Wonderful job. A great program gets better.
  • This is one of my must-have utilities. The ability to select, drag and organize all of the little pieces of info that float across (websites, mail etc) is invaluable
  • Thank you. Keep up the good work. This is an excellent and useful program.
  • Xtremely well done. Eliminates the need for Stickies. Worth the $'s ... Kudos!!!
  • At $15, I suspect it will be one of the best investments I've ever made in software.
  • It's easy to create text clippings. It's even easier to forget which clipping you're looking for unless you're hyper-anal about desktop organization. For the rest of us, there's Znippetizer, a clipping organizing utility.
  • I think your software is fantastic.
  • Best $15 I've spent on OSX shareware so far! Cheers!
  • Znippetizer is an examplar app!
  • Znippetizer is a very nifty little tool.

Znippetizer-X changes history:

  • 1.6.1 Fixed a bug where the Znippetizer window was to high for the screen when a screen with less height was used and the znipetizer windows size was stored as maximum size. Thanks Andy for reporting this one.
  • 1.6.1 Fixed a problem in analyze URL.
  • 1.6.1 Added ZnipSounds, where the user can configure any systemsound or add any QuickTime™ readable sound to be played when Znippetizer is znipping and/or doing a Znip-o-matic, to get audio feedback on the actions.
  • 1.6.1 The manual has been rewritten. Thanks to Kenneth B. Marcus for helping me.
  • 1.6 Snippets can now be moved between groups within the Findsheet.
  • 1.6 Fixed the problem where you accidently dropped a snippet back in the list and made a duplicate.
  • 1.6 Fixed a glitch in the Save yes/no/cancel sheet in the snippet window.
  • 1.6 Introducing a completely new functionality to Znippetizer, Hot Actions™ - Hot key access to you favorite Snippets, URLs and Scripts.
  • 1.6 Updated the Znippetizer-X manual to reflect the new features and changes.
  • 1.5.8 Fixed a problem when the Preferences panel was closed and the Z-window didnt reappear.
  • 1.5.8 Findsheet now shows what group a certain snippet belongs to. Thanks for the feature request Ken.
  • 1.5.8 Findsheet now has a togglebutton to make the Znippetizer Window automatically show the group that contains
    the selected found snippet.
  • 1.5.8 A new snippettype, called script is now available, which handles execution of unix shellscripts directly from
  • 1.5.7 Snippets can now be moved between groups in the Overview window using drag and drop.
  • 1.5.7 Znippetizer can now save a snippet directly as a textfile.
  • 1.5.7 The Znippetizer Window can now be set to autoclose when a dragging av item out, to optimize screen estate usage.
  • 1.5.7 Znippetizer-X can now at startup check for new versions.
  • 1.5.7 Fixed control redraw in the Znippetizer window after filedrop progresssheet was closed.
  • 1.5.6 Znippetizer-X now works on Panther, Mac OS 10.3.
  • 1.5.6 Font/Size controls now works correctly in the New Snippet Window
  • 1.5.6 Edit snippets in the find sheet is now enabled.
  • 1.5.5 Creating a new group now correctly (again) sets that group active. Was a problem with control refresh under s sheet.
  • 1.5.5 Correct helptags on the new actionbuttons
  • 1.5.5 Group action button menu now doesnt show rename or delete on group 1 (new unsorted snippets).
  • 1.5.5 Fixed the drag-and-drop problem where some snippets dragged to cocoa apps where dragged as gabled chineese characters and not the original text.
  • 1.5.4 Added: A preferences setting to tell Znippetizer where you want new snippets from Znip-o-matic or drop in the small window to be stored. Before it has always stored them in the currently active group, now this can be set by the user.
  • 1.5.4 Fixed: The grouplists for Move and Alias now are correctly sorted alphabetically.
  • 1.5.4 Fixed: No more flicker when zooming the Znippetizer window.
  • 1.5.4 Changed: Cleaned up the interface even more, and made it much more consistent.
  • 1.5.4 Updated users manual.
  • 1.5.4 Fixed: New snippet save bug.
  • 1.5.3 Added Actionbuttons in the large Znippetizer window to manage Copy & Paste when Znippitizer is not the frontmost app (and the menues cannot be accessed).
  • 1.5.3 Fixed Copy/Paste in the New snippet and Edit Snippet windows, which was broken when the floating window had the control focus.
  • 1.5.3 Fixed The No-button in the Save changes sheet was broken and caused the sheet to keep jumping up and down.
  • 1.5.3 Added Several action buttons now added below the list in the large Znippetizer window for easy access.
  • 1.5.3 Added The possibility to makes "aliases" of snippets that will show up in other groups as well.
  • 1.5.3 Fixed A crash-bug when canceling HotKey configuration.
  • 1.5.3 Added URLs are now detected by Znippetizer, and will shown up in the list as URLs, underlined. Doubleclicking URLs will launch that URL. To edit them, you need to hold down the Command-key while doubleclick them, or use the [Edit] action button.
  • 1.5.3 Added QuickDexª import now supports iData Pro import as well.
  • 1.5.3 Added The QuickDexª import is now available, but crippled for non registred users to test it.

  • 1.5.2 A snippet can now be marked to always be first in a group, independent of sort order. Thise snippets are shown in italic.
  • 1.5.2 A snippet can now be marked to be shown first in every group, independent of order and selected group and what group is currently shown. Those snippets are shown in bold.

  • 1.5.1 Fixed: The plist now sets the origin of the software to US, so it doesnt show Swedish OS X standard menu items just because it was built on a Swedish system.
  • 1.5.1 Fixed: A problem with a sticky document dirty flag in the snippet edit window.
  • 1.5.1 Added: Deleting snippets that are open in the snippet view window can now be done.

  • 1.5 Znippetizer-X no longer crashes when quitting on jaguar
  • 1.5 Fixed several other bugs and problems related to Jaguar.
  • 1.5 Znippetizer-X now have live resize windows, and a cleaned up user interface
  • 1.5 The find is now rewritten for a much better user experience.
  • 1.5 You can now choose to either use hard line wrap or a horizontal scrollbar in the snippet editors and snippet viewers.
  • 1.5 The overview list is now hierarchical, with each group as a parent, and connected snippets as children.
  • 1.5 Sorry to say, but the BabelFishª translation had to go.
  • 1.5 Now handles drag/drop of almost all Mac OS X plain txt filetypes that does not have any Creator/Filetype.

  • 1.4.1 Fixed problems with export/import to/from textfiles.
  • 1.4.1 Fixed problem with znip-o-matic that on certain systems caused it to go too fast, and fail.
  • 1.4.1 Znippetizer-X now honors doubleclick in the finder on a database, and will open and set the database as current.
  • 1.4.1 Fixed a workaround of a problem in the backup where illegal characters were exported and prevented restore from a database.
  • 1.4.1 Doubleclicking a Znippetizer-X database in finder will open it and set it to the default database, closing the previously open database.
  • 1.4.1 Fixed two other problems that had to do with registration.
  • 1.4.1 Find in non-registered mode now shows all found snippets, not just only the 5 first found.
  • 1.4 The snippetlist can now be quicksearched by typing a key, and the list will scroll to a snippet beginning with that character.
  • 1.4 You can now save you database in any location, and have multiple databases, where Znippetizer-X opens the last opened database upon startup.
  • 1.4 A powerful backup and restore is now implemented.
  • 1.4 Babelfish translation of snippets up to 150 characters using the altavista babelfish webserver.
  • 1.4 Fixed problems with paper area when printing which sometimes caused the printed text to go off the edge of the paper.
  • 1.4 Creating of new snippets for typing in is a much better experience now. Save the snippet and continue to type.
  • 1.3.9f1 Fixed fiorst run problem when preferencesfile could not be created.
  • 1.3.9 Znippetizer-X now correctly trim away blanks when generating snippetheader.
  • 1.3.9 Sheets are now transparent to further adopt the Aqua interface.
  • 1.3.9 Fixed bug in snippetshow window where scrollbar became half hidden.
  • 1.3.9 New snippet window now resizable.
  • 1.3.9 New Snippet window polished.
  • 1.3.9 When registered, user information in aboutbox is now properly updated.
  • 1.3.9 Fixed bug in preferencespanel for Autoshow znippet config.
  • 1.3.9 Znip-o-matic hotkey is now always shown in lowercase.
  • 1.3.9 Menuitem titles now correctly set according to Aqua guidelines.
  • 1.3.9 Rearranged the menubar and created a Snippets menu,
  • 1.3.9 Find when small window wisible now correctly zoom the snippets manager window.
  • 1.3.9 Znippetizer-X now supports tabs in textfields.
  • 1.3.9 The Small Z-window can now have free placement on screen.
  • 1.3.8 Znippetizer-X now animates the DockTile to show when a znip-o-matic HotKey is recieved.
  • 1.3.8 Found a problem in OS X 10.1.2 where GetKeys() returns all zeros even though keys are down. Only known solution right now is to reboot OSX, which cleans up that problem. If the "H" on the Znippetizer-X dock tile goes away before you lift your znip-o-matic HotKeys, you need to reboot OSX to get the znip-o-matic to work correctly.
  • 1.3.7f2 Yet another problem with preferences fixed.
  • 1.3.7f2 New Snippet window now also adjust when the Snippets manager is in the top right corner.
  • 1.3.7f1 Added import support for importing QuickDex files.
  • 1.3.7f1 Fixed some problems caused by reorganizing the Preferences dialog.
  • 1.3.7 Added support for wheel scroll in the snippet closeup window.
  • 1.3.7 Now featuring Znip-o-matic znipping with HotKey. Just press your own configurable HotKey combination, and the selected text will be znipped. No need to drag it to Znippetizer-X or to paste it from Apps that doesn't support drag and drop. Znip-o-matic does that for you. Works with every application that supports Command-C for copy.
  • 1.3.7 Redesigned the preferences panel.
  • 1.3.7 Snippet closeup windows now adjust when the Snippets manager is in the top right corner.
  • 1.3.7 Fixed bug where changing window location in preferences didn't effect the snippets mamager window until restart of the software.
  • 1.3.6 Remade the graphics in the "Snippets Manager" window to make it look even better.
  • 1.3.6 Snippets manager window now has the correct window background, Aqua stripes.
  • 1.3.6 Fixed bug where show all didnt work when list was set to descending order.
  • 1.3.6 Fixed the above bug for the overview window also.
  • 1.3.6 The itemcounter did not always show the correct value, fixed.
  • 1.3.6 Autozoom out sometimes changed applicatio focus, fixed.
  • 1.3.5 Rewritten the handling of the floating windows again to work around the GFW and application hiding bug.
  • 1.3.5 Import progressbars now update correctly.
  • 1.3.5 Import file selecting now works correctly on 10.0.4 -> 10.1.2.
  • 1.3.4f2 Yet another fix for the statis workaround which had to do with the AutoClose option this time.
  • 1.3.4f2 Fixed a bug where the new horizontal resizing of the snippet window would enable clicking in the listheaders.
  • 1.3.4f1 Fixed a problem with AutoZoom and the new workaround for the stasis crash that I forgot (blame the xmas cooking)
  • 1.3.4 The snippets manager window can now be resized horizontal as well, thanks to Dr. Mac for the feature request.
  • 1.3.4 Fixed bug when Ption-Clicking in an empty spot in the snippet list.
  • 1.3.4 Fixed an extremely strange and evil bug that caused Znippetizer-X to go into statis, but without any color beachball when it was hidden using Hide from File menu, or switched out using an external applicationswitcher like Dragthing. Thanks to Dave at REALSoftware for helping me finding a working workaround to this problem.
  • 1.3.3 Imports from new databases now works as expected all of the time.
  • 1.3.3 Dropping on the small Z-Window now works a s exspected all of the time, and not only sometimes. This bug was introduced in
  • 1.3.2 while fixing a cosmetic file-drop sheet bug.
  • 1.3.3 Added some more helptags to the snippet manager window.
  • 1.3.3 Fixed problem with additional snippets added when doing special order drag reorder. (OS X related problem)
  • 1.3.3 Drag reorder now work much better for special ordered snippet list.
  • 1.3.2 Another fix version with some features added.
  • 1.3.2 Fixed cosmetic bug when files where dropped and autozoom was enabled.
  • .3.2 Fixed bug that sometimes prevented direct editing of snippet name.
  • 1.3.2 Fixed bug that suddenly surfaced which made the database look corrupted when special order was used for the group popup.
  • .3.2 Fixed another issue in special order of the snippet group popup.
  • 1.3.2 Added OPT-click to direct edit snippet name in addition to pressing the return key.
  • 1.3.2 Added display of the warningsheet when a snippet was deleted using backspace.
  • 1.3.1 First fix version of Znippetizer-X
  • 1.3.1 Fixes showstopper bug in 1.3 (Thanks to Kenneth B. Marcus)
  • 1.3.1 Importer now honors dates from the older database on importing.
  • 1.3 First released version of Znippetizer-X
  • 1.3 Fixed a bunch of outstandinmg issues in 1.3.0b3
  • 1.3.0b3 First downloadable betaversion of Znippetizer-X.

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